Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Skinned, Mixed, Burned

The video to the very catchy tune Lotion of Greenskeepers may be somewhat presented as an example of the "Rip, Mix, Burn" culture, to me it seems like a clear violation of the copyrights to The Silence of the Lambs movie.

The song turns around one of the lines of Buffalo Bill, the serial killer in the movie, who speaks to his victim: "It puts the lotion on its skin, Or else it gets the hose again". The lotion is to loosen the skin, so that Bill, well, can skin his victim more easily. This line is sung and remixed with images of Buffalo Bill in the Greenskeepers clip, which is an online cult hit for some time now and has been downloaded massively.

It is not that Greenskeepers uses this line, but that the video is exclusively made up of footage from the movie. Like Buffalo Bill the group has skinned the movie to wear it as its own. This may be an appropriate tribute, it will hardly please the copyrightholders, even if it has strengthened the popularity of the movie itself.
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Thru Detritus


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